The Photographers' Gallery Bookshop
16 - 18 Ramillies St, London W1F 7LW
3 December 2013, 18.00-20.00
Free event, no booking
The book will be avaulable in selected Bookshops and via the Paper Tigers Books Website from Dec 3rd.

Métier, is about small-scale independent and specialist businesses in the capital and the people who run them. Over six years, Laura Braun slowly added to this collection of portraits and interior photographs of very individual London businesses. In a time when the high streets of London are taking on a more and more corporate character, this book offers an unusual and interesting perspective on the city and an insight into the working lives of people who strongly identify with their occupation.
Métier contains photographs of 26 people and their places of work, accompanied by a short text about each person and business and an afterword by sociologist Dawn Lyon.